Our Story

Dude, we’ve been there. 

It takes literal work to be a happy crafter. Making things with your hands is so fulfilling, but comes with so many obstacles. Physical items like tools and materials are purchased, stored, used, and wasted, which costs space, time, and money. Then the space becomes overwhelmed with grandma’s recipes and those ripped jeans you have big plans for. Then the other big plans pop in too: school, work, kids. Then it feels like your favorite most special things are collecting dust, and it turns to guilt. You are not alone. In fact, every crafty person I’ve ever known has felt like something is in the way of their creating. 

Luckily, our “in the way” stuff made us who we are. We can now apply a degree in psychology and our experiences in organizing and event planning to situations and people just like us. We adapt activities for the people who do them, not for the product, but for the process. We want to celebrate with you and make your crafty lives less stressful. We find solutions for clutter, waste, cost, and confidence, but we own our own crazy!

If we made crafting happy again, we know you can, too!